'Kurdish militias Syrians file'
- "Militias of Kurds in Syria on Monday welcomed the plan for a truce with Russia and the US."
"The People's Protection Units (YPG) sponsored by the US say their intention to keep the file. It should be in the context of an important Islamic feast of Sacrifice Monday go at sunset. That would be about 17. 45 hours Dutch time."
"Kurdish militias control much of the border region in northern Syria which they call the Federation of Northern Syria and Rojava. They are a strong player in the fight against the Sunni extremists of the Islamic State (IS).\n \n \n \n \n 0:41\n \n New images: Hillary falters\n \n \n \n 0:53\n \n Man steals from bra 94-year-old woman\n \n \n \n 3:39\n \n Spectacular arrest fugitive"
"The YPG also have to stick with other resistance groups who tackle IS and Turkish President Erdogan, who she called terrorists. The YPG works locally with the forces of President Bashar al-Assad. The file does not apply to IS and other groups listed as terrorist Chronicle."
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