Japanese girlband sings an explanation about bitcoin

World January 10, 2018 13:57

- Japan has found a remarkable way to teach the population how to deal with bitcoin. A girl band is used to sing about the pros and cons of virtual currencies.

Next Friday, The Virtual Currency Girls will make their debut in Tokyo. Merchandise can only be purchased with crypto coins during the concert, reports the Singaporean daily The Straits Times.

On their first single, 'The Moon and Virtual Currencies and Me', the ladies warn against fraudulent cryptosites and encourage people to properly regulate online security.

The eight girls each represent a virtual currency, such as bitcoin, ethereum and ripple. How the miniskirts, ruffles and knee-high stockings of the girls relate to the cryptocurrency is unclear for the time being.

'Through entertainment, we want to promote the idea that virtual currencies are not just about speculation, but that it is great technology that will shape the future,' says the 18-year-old captain of the Rara Naruse group.

In Japan, bitcoin is recognized as legal tender. Almost a third of the worldwide bitcoin transactions in December occurred in yen, jpbitcoin reported. com

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