'Girl (4) gets lethal infection when fitting new shoes'

'Girl (4) gets lethal infection when fitting new shoes'

World August 30, 2018 10:48

london - When a young mother from Great Britain went to a shoe store last week to choose a new pair of shoes for her four-year-old daughter, she had never thought that the trip would end in the hospital.

The girl suffered a life-threatening infection (see photos below) when fitting the shoes, the mother tells British media. Now she wants to warn other parents.

According to Jodie Thomas (26), her daughter Sienna (4) became ill after she had put her bare feet in a pair of shoes. She cried with pain, her mother taking her to a doctor right away.

He soon saw that it was a blood poisoning, due to a serious bacterial infection. 'The next day the infection had already spread to her feet,' says Jodie. 'My daughter had a severe fever. She shook and shook. It was terrible to see my little girl like that. '

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