German army is fighting a lot of broken equipment

German army is fighting a lot of broken equipment

World April 20, 2017 10:39

berlin - The German army is fighting a lot of broken equipment. Some of the weapons systems are only 30 percent operational. The rest is waiting for repair. This is evidenced by the annual report by the Inspector General of the Bundeswehr. The German website Zeit Online released online and Thursday's overview of the broken equipment.

Causes include equipment wear due to the many foreign missions, the lack of workplaces for staff and the lack of components. New weapons are purchased, but often no large stock items are ordered.

An example of this is the purchase of the Eurofighter. Of the 79 devices, 41 were on the ground last year. There are only one of the three A400M type of transport aircraft. An exception is the navy frigates. All seven ships were deployable last year.

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