France wants to ban cigarette alluring

France wants to ban cigarette alluring

World February 1, 2017 18:36

paris - The land of Gauloises, Gitanes and Bastos- according to the addict connoisseurs filled with monkey hair, a finely chopped tobacco- wants to get rid of cigarettes with an enticing name. The parcels in France see now all been the same, dark and not very inviting with images of tarred lungs, but the danger still lurks in the glitz and glamor of the brand names. French Health Minister Marisol Touraine announced at RTL and Europe1 a law which puts an end to this.

She thinks names like Allure, Vogue, Fine and Corset, however small, are reminiscent of perfume, lingerie and fashion, when in reality a case where potentially lethal grace. Touraine believes that smoking in this way as a chic, sexy and proposes charming. She wants so these brands off, as the last result of the policy of the socialist Hollande government to discourage smoking.

Also cigars apologetic names like Café crème, Paradiso and Punch disappear from the shelves. Producers have two years in which to dip their 'children'. The cigarettes farmers, no concepts such as organic, natural or organic lake may peddling, have previously only a year.

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