Florida inhabited earlier than thought

Florida inhabited earlier than thought

World May 17, 2016 05:30

- The southeastern United States, according to a new study over a thousand years earlier colonized by humans than previously thought so far.

That can be seen from stone tools and carved animal bones found in Florida. Researchers have it published in the journal 'Science Advances.

In a pitch black 'sinkhole' in the bed of a river in north Florida include a sharpened knife and scratched skeleton unearthed parts of a mastodon, a prehistoric elephant and fossil droppings. Carbon 14 dating indicated an age of 14 550 years, writes team leader Michael Waters of the A amp; M University in Texas.
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Archaeologists assumed that people of the Clovis culture until a thousand years later as first landed in Florida. The discovery of Waters and his is a new clue to the theory that the first inhabitants of North America from Asia over the Bering Sea have arrived and have spread across the continent.

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