'Facebook News is a snack, not a meal'

'Facebook News is a snack, not a meal'

Tech February 13, 2017 14:36

san francisco - Flipboard CEO Mike McCue is firmly convinced that you can not let daily news selection depend solely algorithms. 'There is no algorithm for true or false, fact or lie. And there is no algorithm that indicates whether a message is important, interesting and enriching. A news story is more than just ones and zeros,' said McCue in Recode Decode-podcast Kara Swisher.

McCue thinks it's a bad thing that more and more people pick their news solely from social media. He warns that algorithms have always needed human support when it comes to news. He uses the Facebook Timeline as an example. 'After half an hour to have clicked on stories in your timeline you never really feel satisfied. It's not like you at that hour, you look back and you think you then really have spent meaningful and the rest of the day without to other information. It's a bit like replacing all of your food for chips. '

Fake news and extremism on social media should be addressed much faster according to McCue. He finds it incomprehensible that now, after a blockade can simply create an account and can go further with your practices. 'A ban on one site would also have implications for other sites. If you misbehave on Twitter you should not only be kicked from Twitter, but also on all other platforms.'

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