'European support for creative industries'

'European support for creative industries'

Tech September 20, 2016 01:57

- "Journalists, writers and creators get more rights to ensure that they are paid fairly for their creations. Holders can seek redress if their material without permission is reused online."

"The European Commission presented proposals Wednesday about copyright, to flourish, the 'cultural sector. '' The copyright rules be adapted to the digital age, says Brussels."

"For publishers now apply similar rights as filmmakers and music producers to protect their product. Also, researchers, students, teachers, museums and archives have less often face constraints because of copyright, is the promise.\n  \n    \n     \n      \n        2:59\n      \n     Wilders has to vloggers\n     \n     \n      \n        0:43\n      \n     Threats of armed vlog rig\n     \n     \n      \n        1:12\n      \n     Images fatal brawl Wallen"

"For TV and radio channels will be easier to see and hear their programs in other EU countries. Although the so-called geoblocking will continue for the time being, consumers have more choice, says the committee."

"BEUC, the European consumers dome speaks an important first step, but believes that Europeans such as sports and movies also be able to look across the border like home. The organization of commercial TV channels in Europe fears that funds to create new programs dry up because of the proposals."

"The European Council welcomes the publisher plans, especially the protection of quality journalism. Publishers continue to readers via buttons offer the ability to share links to news articles. This dispels the organization '' ghost stories' that sending a link to a newspaper should not through example Whatsapp.\n  \n  \n   advertisement"

"Moreover, there is, inter alia, the European Parliament much opposition charges that may be imposed on Internet sites when news reused without permission."

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