Einstein proved equal

Einstein proved equal

World February 11, 2016 17:49

- A great mystery of the universe is resolved. The mysterious gravitational waves exist, such as Albert Einstein had predicted a hundred years ago. This was announced Thursday.

The discovery is about the foundation of the universe. Einstein proposed that space and time form a single whole. He called spacetime. Which can vibrate. There are violent events needed, such as a collision of two black holes. If that happens, the shock waves go through the universe, like ripples from a stone in a pond.

In a ripple stretches the space matter whether it shrinks slightly. That's hardly measurable. Thereby succeeded only after a hundred years with the most advanced equipment.

Scientists are excited because they can look at the universe with gravitational waves in a whole new way. They see things that remained hidden until now, such as objects that emit no light.

Dutch scientists were closely involved in groundbreaking research.

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