''Dump file Syria not first shot''

''Dump file Syria not first shot''

World September 19, 2016 21:54

- "That the truce is undoubtedly " here and there \"will be violated in force in Syria since Monday night, does not mean that failed. That said, the US Secretary of State John Kerry."

"Kerry had a few hours after the start of the cease-fire messages that occurred the peace in many parts of Syria, but built right space in a sporadic violations of the file. It is, to draw him a final conclusion early on the success of the ceasefire."

"According to sources in both the government and the rebel camp, the weapons being silenced on most battlefields. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says it has observed the same.\n  \n    \n     \n      \n        1:30\n      \n     \"You are all racists'\n     \n     \n      \n        1:45\n      \n     Base jumper leaps death response\n     \n     \n      \n        3:39\n      \n     Spectacular arrest fugitive"

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