Debilitating night in Italy

Debilitating night in Italy

World August 24, 2016 20:12

- After the devastating earthquake of last night going to the Italians struck a nerve-wracking night in the region around Perugia. Hundreds of people are waiting for news about missing friends or relatives.

Some 2,500 people have been left homeless after an earthquake of 6. 2 on the Richter scale last night around 03. 30 hours wreaked enormous havoc. Some of the victims have arranged shelter with relatives. Others will spend the night in makeshift tent camps or take shelter in a gymnasium. Hopeful messages are also there. For example, a 58-year-old man was in Amatrice 12 hours after the quake brought alive from the rubble. Rescue workers will remain in the debris all night inquiring for survivors.

Least 120 people were killed. Tourist villages and Amatrice and Pescara del Tronto was little. At Foreign Affairs are no reports of injured or killed Dutch known.
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Italian Prime Minister Renzi, who was in the disaster area to visit, expects the death toll still rising. There are still many people missing and nearly four hundred are wounded dozens in mortal danger.

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