Deadly puffer lands in Japanese supermarket

World January 16, 2018 10:36

gamagori - A Japanese city has called on its inhabitants not to eat puffer fish, because potentially deadly portions have accidentally ended up in a supermarket.

Puffer fish, or fugu, is considered a Japanese delicacy, but must be prepared with the utmost care. The livers, reproductive organs and skin of the convex fish contain poison. In the supermarket in Gamagori, five portions of puffer were sold with the liver still in it. Three portions have now been found, reports the BBC, but two can still end up on someone's plate.

The poison in pufferfish is tetrodotoxin, which damages the nervous system. The poisoning proceeds quickly, starting with a numb feeling around the mouth, then paralysis and eventually death. An antidote does not exist, although there are people who have survived a poisoning.

Because consumption of the fish is so dangerous, chefs in Japan need special training to prepare the fish. The cook removes all toxic organs and only serves the non-toxic parts. The cook should not relax, because in the slightest mistake the dish can be fatal. To show the guests that the fugu is perfectly prepared, the cook usually eats the first bite.

On YouTube you can find countless videos of Japanese chefs preparing the fish.

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