Data Dutch children stolen from Vtech hack

Data Dutch children stolen from Vtech hack

December 2, 2015 12:00

- Over 120,000 profiles of Dutch children intercepted at the hack of toy manufacturer VTech. The data of a hundred thousand parents have been captured.

Parents are names, addresses and passwords captured. VTech stressed that no credit card information stolen. The children's profiles contain only the name, sex and date of birth.VTech is next to 'normal' toys also tablets for children and has a private appwinkel before with educational apps, children's books and other downloads. Hackers have managed to break into the database of the Learning Lodge app store.The hacker has told technology website Motherboard know that he also photos, chat conversations and audio files has intercepted exchanged at the Kid Connect network. Vtech does this have in research and can not confirm whether this is indeed the case. However, the manufacturer indicates that all files are encrypted.The toy manufacturer discovered the burglary on November 24 and made it three days later. As a precaution, the company during the investigation the app store, made it Kid Connect network and a number of websites from the air.In total, data from more than 4.8 million parents and 6.3 million children stolen worldwide.

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