Crisis in committee Nobel Prize for Literature

Crisis in committee Nobel Prize for Literature

World April 13, 2018 10:30

stockholm - The committee that annually awards the Nobel Prize for Literature is in serious crisis. A large number of members of the so-called Swedish Academy have resigned after a scandal about the man of one of the members, Katarina Frostenson, who would have harassed or abused eighteen women.

Frostenson is also accused that she would have leaked the name of the potential winner seven times and that she would have transferred money from the Academy to a cultural club run by her husband and of which she is co-owner.

A vote of no confidence against Frostenson did not make it earlier this week, when three committee members stepped out of protest. President Sara Danius left on Thursday after her confidence in her was canceled because she would not have done enough to defuse the crisis. Frostenson still drew her conclusions according to Swedish media Thursday evening and got on.

Of the eighteen committee members who are appointed for life, only eleven are active. According to the statutes, that is too little to choose new members. The situation is the worst crisis since the establishment of the Swedish Academy in 1786. Since 1901, the institute has awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.

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