CDU sweeping plan fuel surcharge quickly from table

CDU sweeping plan fuel surcharge quickly from table

World January 16, 2016 19:00

- The plan of the German Minister Wolfgang Schäuble to pay for guarding the external borders of the Schengen area with a surcharge on gasoline in the EU Member States, was short-lived. Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) raised the surcharge Saturday in an interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Several hours later rushed his colleague Julia Klöckner to wipe the idea of ​​public table.

         Her statement had intensive consultations with, among others, Chancellor Angel Merkel, CDU, itself preceded and Schäuble. Soon after the paper was released, echoed in Europe, especially in Germany itself, sharp protest against the idea. What really counts for the CDU, is that in mid-March key state elections held in Germany. A gasoline tax is a bad election propaganda.
The massive influx and reception of refugees Europe indeed costly. So was Netherlands last year alone 1 billion lost.

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