Brussels: herbicide permit temporarily

Brussels: herbicide permit temporarily

World June 1, 2016 15:27

brussels - The controversial weedkiller glyphosate should be allowed until the European Agency for Chemicals (ECHA) has issued a scientific opinion on the degree of carcinogenicity of the agent. That proposal did Commissioner vytenis andriukaitis (Health and Food Safety) Wednesday.

Drafting ECHA report takes according Andriukaitis twelve to eighteen months. He stressed that the ball is in the Member States. Experts from the EU countries speak next Monday on the proposal.

The experts could not agree whether glyphosate may remain on the European market recently. Twice there was no majority for the European Commission's proposal to allow the use of the agent first fifteen and then nine years. If there is no decision on July 1, the license expires for the pesticide and the sale should be discontinued.
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Brussels wants, however, that the use is minimized in playgrounds and parks, gardens, as well as the spraying on fields just before being harvested.

Glyphosate is a widely used base ingredient in herbicides, including Roundup of US manufacturer Monsanto. Previous studies showed that it is possible carcinogenic.

Netherlands for an extension, provided that if the drug proves carcinogenic, the license is revoked. The European Parliament is against a ban, but recently also called for further investigation.

Greenpeace wants the means of the market.,, Whether the permit is now given for 15, 9 and 2 years does not matter. The same amount of glyphosate is sprayed and will not change the levels in our bodies. ''

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