British press with revenge porn

British press with revenge porn

World September 6, 2016 08:42

london - Since the introduction of a new law more than two hundred people last year in England and Wales prosecuted for publishing revenge porn. Reported that the British Prosecution in its annual report on violence against women and girls.

It is banned in England and Wales since April last year to share sexual photos or videos without the consent of the person to see it. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) writes in the report that offenses are better addressed at women and girls by more resources and better training.

The report is not just about revenge porn, but all kinds of offenses of rape and other sexual crimes of violence in the home. Prosecutions for these cases account for nearly one fifth of all the work of the CPS, said the BBC.
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A record number of people- 4643- was charged with rape, just under 60 percent was eventually convicted of rape or a lighter offense. More than 100 000 people were prosecuted for domestic violence. Of these three quarters was largely condemned.

The coalition End Violence Against Women is pleased with the report, but it posted a comment on.,, The majority of women and girls from such crimes do not report to the police the victim, and the services that support those people are struggling to keep their heads above water, '' said a spokeswoman.

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