'Bookkeeper of Auschwitz' fit enough for cell

'Bookkeeper of Auschwitz' fit enough for cell

World August 2, 2017 14:42

berlin - A 96-year-old former SS'er Oskar Gröning is fit enough to put his prison sentence out. The Land Attorney in Hanover informed that the request of the lawyers of Auschwitz's lawyer for rejection for health reasons was rejected.

A doctor has found that he is good enough to disappear behind the bars, where the ex-Nazi needs extra guidance. Gröning was sentenced in July 2015 to four years celecial for the murder of 300,000 people.

Gröning, in the course of his case, handed over money from deported Jews and supervised the arrival of transport at Auschwitz Destruction Camp. According to the court, he thus contributed to the Nazi murder machine, even though he himself had no blood on his hands.

The ex-Nazi lawyers want to appeal against the decision.

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