'Beware: do not eat too much drop'

World November 2, 2017 17:54

- https://www.telegraaf.nl/images/900x600/filters:format(jpeg):quality(80)/cdn-kiosk-api.telegraaf.nl/bbadc234-bff6-11e7-b0b6-f3de826b6b15.jpg

The warning could be more difficult in the Netherlands than in the United States. In general, it is generally not as bad as in our country as in our country.

Whoever eats too much drop is at risk of permanent health damage, according to the FDA. 'Are you over 40 years old and you eat more than 56 grams of drops within two weeks? Then you can end up in the hospital with an irregular heartbeat or heart rhythm disturbances, 'says the warning.

The weight of 56 grams equals one or ten drops.

The sweetener in drop that is extracted from the licorice root, glycyrrhizin, is the American offender. You can not eat that too much.

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