Belgian top model: I'm intersexual

World January 24, 2017 12:51

new york - The international top model Hanne Gaby Odiele has revealed that she is intersexual. That means they have both male and female sexual characteristics. The Belgian, who lives in New York, tells USA Today that she wants to help with its publication to break a taboo.

In the US newspaper Odiele does revealed that she was born with undescended testicles. Which were removed when she was ten because doctors had warned that they could cause cancer. At eighteen she underwent surgery to reconstruct her vagina.

The operations gave her much trouble and she now wants parents discourage children to perhaps unnecessarily operate in similar situations. Odieles husband, John Swiatek (even model), says he is proud of the newspapers that she came out with her story.

According to UN figures, 1.7 percent of the world more or less intersexual. Odiele suffers from a syndrome in which women have male XY chromosomes.


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