Belgian porn photos prompt suspension of government worker

Belgian porn photos prompt suspension of government worker

World December 12, 2016 12:03

brussels - An administrative employee of the Interior Ministry in Brussels has been provisionally suspended from active duty because she had made pornographic pictures at the workplace.

Woman prakijkten arrived last month to light. Colleagues discovered that the woman was indeed anonymously speaking in a French documentary about men and women who earn with sexual services.

The group of colleagues decided to look online for more details and there was thus discovered that the woman had racy photos at work. There were more to see snapshots that were created in the elevator and in the building of the General Directorate.

The woman has been suspended after a personal call, but let it not give up and went to the State Council. The lawyer of the employee states that the government has nothing to do with her private activities, reports La Dernière Heure. The woman complains about reputational damage. And the lady says she has missed a chance for a major promotion by the punishment.

The director adds that the suspension is provisional, pending further investigation. Woman gets paid as usual.

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