Abe can stay three more years

Abe can stay three more years

World March 5, 2017 07:12

tokio - By a rule change, the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), the Sunday before its president Shinzo Abe made possible longer to remain as party leader and therefore as prime minister. Instead of two, the president may now serve three consecutive terms of three years.

Abe would remain until 2021, when his party and the people like him. With nine years he was the longest reigning of Japan Prime Minister have since World War II.

The now 62-year-old Abe joined in 2012 as party leader and prime minister. From 2006 to 2007 he was prime minister. The longest serving Japanese prime minister after the war so far has Eisaku Sato. He led the government from November 1964 to July 1972.

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