48 million children dependent on emergency aid

48 million children dependent on emergency aid

World January 30, 2018 10:15

tokyo/the hague - This year, 2.9 billion euros is needed to provide life-saving humanitarian aid to 48 million children in need. It concerns children who are victims of conflicts, natural disasters and other emergency situations in 51 countries. That is what UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, says in a report.

Almost one in four children live in a country that has been affected by a conflict or disaster. '2017 was a devastating year for children, and 2018 unfortunately gives little reason for optimism', says Sasja Bökkerink of UNICEF Netherlands. 'Children can not wait until wars are ended. Unless the international community takes urgent measures to stop the violence and offer these children life-saving help, their future looks bleak. '

Further crises such as in Yemen, Syria, South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo are a threat to millions of girls and boys. Dissemination of illnesses by drinking polluted water are still the greatest danger, says UNICEF. '117 million people living in emergency situations do not have access to clean water. In many countries, more children die from diseases caused by polluted water and poor sanitation than from direct violence, 'says Manuel Fontaine, UNICEF emergency aid program.

UNICEF hopes to provide 35.7 million people with access to clean water, sanitary and hygienic facilities with partners and donor support; Helping 8.9 million children with basic education; Vaccinate 10 million children against measles; provide psychosocial support to more than 3.9 million children and to treat 4.2 million children with acute malnutrition. The fund also wants to raise one billion euros to help 6.9 million Syrian children.

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