12 million digital track down criminals

12 million digital track down criminals

Tech August 4, 2016 11:45

- More than thirty European companies will jointly develop the next four years instruments to detect faster digital criminals. The European Commission has earmarked 12 million euros for this purpose.

The developing 'tools' must be able to rapidly detect reliable information from a huge amount of data. For example, finding and linking biometrics: If a suspect appears on a large number of pictures, he can be biometrics- face, clothing, posture- are recognized.

do include Dutch Forensic Institute (NFI), TNO and with the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
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Another tool which the NFI wants to work is the 'weak signal detection': small pieces of information that may seem insignificant standing by itself, but in a larger context may prove essential in the identification of suspects. For example, a code word used by criminals to cover up activities.

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