• Sailing yacht capsizes at Ostend: two killers

    Sailing yacht capsizes at Ostend: two killers

    others July 1, 2017 15:36 Hot Recent News

    On the Belgian coast, on the eastern side of Ostend, a sailing yacht with six detainees has been crashed on Saturday morning. Two of the detainees have died, one third is still missing. Three others have been saved. That reported the Maritime Rescue and Coordination Center.

  • Belgian police invade municipal council

    Belgian police invade municipal council

    middelkerke June 27, 2017 12:45 Hot Recent News

    The Belgian police on Tuesday made an invasion in the town hall of the coastal town of Middelkerke. According to the parquet in Bruges, this had to do with possible conflicts of interests and fraud on licensing for a new casino. The mayor and a few crew members (aldermen) were taken for trial, according to various Belgian media.

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