• Ireland warns of a worse relationship with UK

    Ireland warns of a worse relationship with UK

    dublin November 3, 2018 19:16 Hot Recent News

    The Irish Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar, has warned Saturday that the relations between Ireland and the United Kingdom are likely to 'fall apart' as a result of UK withdrawal from the European Union. In this way, Varadkar is reinvigorating the pressure now that the British-European negotiations on the Irish border seem to continue to stall.

  • Woman in caravan blowing from cliff

    Woman in caravan blowing from cliff

    clifden September 19, 2018 10:48 Hot Recent News

    A violent storm has blown a caravan on the Irish west coast with a woman in it from a cliff. In addition, the woman who was in her fifties was killed. The \u0026 # x27; Gardaí \u0026 # x27; (police) reported that after a long search the body was found not far from the village of Claddaghduff on a beach. The caravan was difficult to reach for rescuers despite the fact that the colossus did not end up in the sea.

  • Sex scandal exposes civil war in the Vatican

    Sex scandal exposes civil war in the Vatican

    August 28, 2018 04:48 Hot Recent News

    Pope Francis caused bewilderment among the flying journalists during the return journey from Dublin to Rome. The document, in which the former papal nuncio of Washington Dario Viganò calls on pope Francis to step up because he would have covered sexual abuse by the American former cardinal Theodore Mc Carrick, was mentioned. 'We assumed that the Pope would say what was true or not of the accusations. But that did not happen. The pope told us that we should read the document ourselves and then come to the conclusions ourselves. Incomprehensible, 'says Franca Giansoldati of the Roman newspaper Il Messaggero.

  • Francis accused

    Francis accused

    dublin August 27, 2018 05:16 Hot Recent News

    Pope Francis, during his visit to Ireland, asked the victims of abuse by Roman Catholic clergy for forgiveness. At the same time, the former papal nuncio in Washington claims in an open letter that Francis was aware of abuse by Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who was the Archbishop of the United States at the beginning of this century.

  • Pope arrived in Ireland

    Pope arrived in Ireland

    dublin August 25, 2018 11:32 Hot Recent News

    Pope Francis arrived in Ireland on Saturday. The first papal visit to the country in 39 years is overshadowed by recent revelations about abuse within the church. Francis is expected to meet, among other things, victims of sexual abuse by clergy.

  • Merkel supports Spain in immigrant politics

    Merkel supports Spain in immigrant politics

    sanlúcar de barrameda August 11, 2018 20:21 Hot Recent News

    Germany supports the efforts that Spain is making to curb the flow of refugees from Morocco into Europe. Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Saturday in Sanlúcar de Barrameda that Spain is in charge of negotiations with the North African country about possible solutions.

  • Irish pilots Ryanair also stuck this week

    Irish pilots Ryanair also stuck this week

    dublin July 23, 2018 17:45 Hot Recent News

    Irish pilots from budget airline Ryanair put down work on Tuesday. That is what the Irish pilots association Forsa reports. The actions come in a week in which also cabin crew members of the airline in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Belgium have planned work breaks.

  • 'New stonehenge' discovered in dry dry Ireland

    'New stonehenge' discovered in dry dry Ireland

    dublin July 15, 2018 13:36 Hot Recent News

    An Irish amateur photographer and archaeologist has discovered a 'henge' of thousands of years old in the north of Ireland. The stone row was discovered in a farmers field and was clearly visible thanks to the continuing drought. That's what Irish media reported.

  • EU leaders are building Fortress Europe

    EU leaders are building Fortress Europe

    brussels June 28, 2018 06:21 Hot Recent News

    The EU must change into a fortress Europe, unreachable for migrants who want to illegally cross the Mediterranean by boat. While EU leaders are today in Brussels at their summit they agree, but there is still a long way to see a solution for new asylum rules. This means that Chancellor Merkel has a huge political problem.

  • EU is considering migrant centers outside the union

    EU is considering migrant centers outside the union

    brussels June 19, 2018 13:51 Hot Recent News

    The European Union is working on the idea of ​​transferring migrants rescued at sea to centers outside the EU. On these so-called 'disembarkation platforms', economic migrants and refugees who require protection must be quickly distinguished in cooperation with the UN.

  • German border quickly closed to refugees

    German border quickly closed to refugees

    berlin June 18, 2018 08:09 Hot Recent News

    If the appearance is not deceiving, Merkels `Willkommenskultur 'ends today with the' open borders'. Minister Horst Seehofer (Home Affairs) wants to close the Bavarian border for refugees who have already applied for asylum in another EU country.

  • American aircraft fled for threats

    American aircraft fled for threats

    dublin June 11, 2018 19:54 Hot Recent News

    A United Airlines plane left for the nearest airport on Monday after discovering a disturbing 'message' on board. The captain of the aircraft, which was on its way from Rome to Chicago, made a stopover at Shannon Airport in Ireland.

  • Irish vote for liberalization abortion law

    Irish vote for liberalization abortion law

    dublin May 25, 2018 22:39 Hot Recent News

    The Irish seem to be largely in favor of liberalizing the strict abortion legislation in the predominantly Catholic country. According to the first exit poll, 68 percent of those entitled to vote said yes to the amendment of the law on Friday.

  • Ireland votes on legalization abortion

    Ireland votes on legalization abortion

    dublin May 24, 2018 13:12 Hot Recent News

    More than 3 million Irish people can vote in a referendum on Friday about legalization of abortion. They have to speak out about a constitutional article that makes abortion almost impossible. If that is voted down, the initiator will legalize prime minister Leo Varadkar abortion until three months from the pregnancy.

  • Hollywood star Natalie Portman 'traitor' after refusing prize
    1 Comment 222

    Hollywood star Natalie Portman 'traitor' after refusing prize

    tel aviv April 21, 2018 04:33 Hot Recent News

    The party is over in Israel. The day after the celebration of 70 years of independence, the Gaza Strip is once again the scene of bloody riots and the Israelis get a painful stab in the back of one of their most beloved compatriots: the Israeli-American actress Natalie Portman refuses to travel to Israel for the ' Jewish Nobel Prize 'to receive.

  • Facebook wants to limit the scope of EU rules

    Facebook wants to limit the scope of EU rules

    san francisco April 19, 2018 05:57 Hot Recent News

    Facebook is taking measures to prevent almost all of its users coming soon under the new European privacy legislation. The internet company wants the regulations to apply only to European members. Facebook confirms that decision to Reuters news agency.

  • Tusk sometimes furious about Brexit

    Tusk sometimes furious about Brexit

    dublin April 10, 2018 19:45 Hot Recent News

    Donald Tusk still does not understand anything about the British decision to leave the European Union. 'Brexit is against me. And that is actually an understatement ', said the President of the European Council Tuesday in Dublin. 'In my opinion, Brexit is one of the saddest moments in European history in the 21st century. I am sometimes really angry about that. '

  • Ireland also expels Russian diplomat

    Ireland also expels Russian diplomat

    dublin March 27, 2018 13:15 Hot Recent News

    Ireland expels a Russian diplomat in response to an attack with nerve gas on a Russian ex-spy in England. That is what the Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney said on Tuesday. According to the British government, the regime in Moscow is behind the attack.

  • Ravage by looters at Dublin

    Ravage by looters at Dublin

    tallaght March 3, 2018 16:51 Hot Recent News

    Nine men were arrested in Ireland after looters plundered a supermarket under cover of an exceptionally heavy snowstorm. They used a stolen excavator that caused so much damage that the store collapsed.

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