Zuckerberg shielded in European Parliament

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has accepted the invitation from the European Parliament to explain the abuse of personal data from tens of millions of users.

Parliament President Antonio Tajani said that Zuckerberg might be coming to Brussels next week. 'His arrival is a step in the right direction to restore confidence. Our citizens deserve full and detailed explanations. '

Data from an estimated 87 million Facebook users, including 2.7 million EU residents, could be collected by the British company Cambridge Analytica. The data was used in President Donald Trump's election campaign.

The party leaders have also decided to hold a hearing with representatives from Facebook and other parties involved. The emphasis is on the possible impact on elections in Europe.

The EU parliament said earlier that the public apologies of Zuckerberg in the US Congress are insufficient. The American must come to explain how private data could be misused and guarantee that it does not happen again.

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