Woodstock scores at Lonely Planet

Woodstock is next year in the top 3 tourist regions recommended by Lonely Planet.

According to the travel researchers, this is celebrated with lots of music and a hippie reunion. The flower children of love, peace \u0026 amp; music from 1969 are now grandfathers and grandmothers. Their thinking with the then popular 'free' culture, however, continues everywhere.

The 'Best in Travel' lists of travel guide Lonely Planet usually have a lot of influence on our holiday behavior. Although Woodstock has the name, the music festival with 400,000 visitors was held tens of kilometers away in a farmland near the town of Bethel, a few hours north of New York at the Catskill Mountains. Top artists like Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Joe Cocker, Crosby Stills Nash \u0026 amp; Young, Creedence and Santana broke through.

Lonely Planet has put the Catskills in 2019 at number two of 'must see' destinations, after the northern Italian mountain and wine region Piƫmont around the cultural city of Turin. The wild north of Peru, not in the vicinity of the overcrowded Inca town Machu Picchu, comes in third place.

The best holiday destination in 2019 is Sri Lanka, followed by Germany, thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and a hundred years after the launch of the Bauhaus art movement. Safariland Zimbabwe takes third place. The best city is Copenhagen ('cool \u0026 design'), followed by Chinese 'Silicon Valley' Shenzhen and Serbian Novi Sad.

Lonely Planet also made a list of destinations in 2019 that offer quality for little money. The Nile valley in the Egyptian desert around Luxor and Aswan with the many archaeological treasures is at the top.

Then the Polish Lodz, the Great Smoky Mountains in America, the cheap 'non-resort' islands of the Maldives and space center Houston. Argentina, Bangladesh, Albania, Ecuador and Slovenia complete this top-10.