The victims of the December killings

The Surinamese Public Prosecutor's Office (OM) has demanded twenty years of imprisonment on Wednesday for President Desi Bouterse for his share in the December 1982 killings.

Soerendre Rambocus (29): former army officer who opposed Bouterse and opposed a coup in March 1982. Rambocus was sentenced in November 1982 to twelve years of cell.

John Baboeram (31): Attorney, including in the Rambocus case

Bram Behr (31): journalist.

Cyrill Daal (46): President's largest trade union, De Moederbond. Led protests and strikes against military rule. Bouterse announces shortly before December's death that Daal will be presented with the bill.

Kenneth Gonçalves (42): Attorney, also in Case-Rambocus.

Eddy Hoost (48): lawyer and ex-minister of justice, also a lawyer in the case of Rambocus.

André Kamperveen (58): Owner Radio ABC and former Minister of Culture and Sport.

Gerard Leckie (39): Associate Professor.

Sugrim Oemrawsingh (42): university lecturer, suspected of preparing coup against Bouterse.

Leslie Rahman (28): journalist.

Harold Riedewald (49): Attorney, also in case of Rambocus.

Jiwansingh Sheombar (25): Sergeant, Companion and Junior of Rambocus, co-thought in the process of countercoup 1982.

Jozef Slagveer (42): journalist

Robby Sohansingh (37): businessman suspected of military involvement in countercoup

Frank Wijngaarde (43): journalist and Dutch citizen, working at Radio ABC.