Still no view of Italian coalition government

According to the Italian president Sergio Mattarella, there is still no shot in the talks about a new coalition government.

Italy went to the polls on March 4 to choose a new parliament. The largest party is the Eurosceptic Five Star Movement (M5S) of Luigi Di Maio, which gathered one third of the votes. But an occasional association of center-right and the right-wing populist Lega Nord together achieved 37 percent.

The 'Lega' emerged as the largest of this alliance and was led by government under the leadership of Matteo Salvini. Cooperation with the M5S would bring an anti-European coalition to power, but it is far from being that far. Di Maio (M5S) wants Salvini to first drop its political ally ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, but Salvini does not want that. Moreover, like Di Maio, he wants to be prime minister.

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