Skeleton found in famous ship wreck

"Archaeologists have discovered a human skeleton found near the more than 2,000-year-old ship wreck that probably the \"Antikythera Mechanism\" was on board.

"This \"analog computer\" is by far the most technologically advanced product of antiquity. The device with gears bronze was used to perform complicated astronomical time calculations, for example, to convert solar eclipses on the calendar."

"Jo Marchant, who recently with colleagues conscious seabed at the Greek island afspeurde, describes the extraordinary discovery in the latest edition of the journal Nature. The bones are remarkably well preserved. Encountered include a piece of skull with three teeth, two femurs, several ribs and parts of the arms.\n  \n    \n     \n      \n        0:58\n      \n     Tidal wave grips girl (10)\n     \n     \n      \n        1:00\n      \n     Most dangerous airport in the world?\n     \n     \n      \n        1:15\n      \n     Chinese in thick container: \"Work harder!\""

"Which according to the Danish geneticist Hannes Schroeder, an expert in the field of ancient DNA from one person, one young man. Schroeder has understood that the rock legs belong to the surfaced material. These are skeletal parts from the vicinity of the ear where the DNA test of time is the best."