Sell ​​Cyber ​​Monday above expectations

Koopfestijn Cyber ​​Monday is better than expected.

Editorial DFT

According to data from Adobe Analytics, one of the major collectors of e-commerce data, with Cyber ​​Monday, thanks to big discounts, nearly a billion more is sold than last year, to a total of $ 6.6 billion.

More and more Americans shop with their smartphones. Sales from this were up 41% compared with the sales days of 2016. Sales were 16.9% higher on Monday afternoon than a year earlier.

With Thanksgiving and Black Friday, Americans bought $ 7.9 billion, also a new record. On that basis, shares of retail companies, which had a hard time to date, rose: Amazon took more and more market share away from them.

Cyber ​​Monday is not a holiday, but a marketing term that indicates the Christmas sale at online stores.