Seals in great danger by earthquake New Zealand

is a seal sanctuary swept away by a huge landslide in the coastal town of Kaikoura in New Zealand hit by an earthquake.

Concerns about wildlife in New Zealand are large after the earthquake Monday. Animals Organizations example, report that a large colony of Huttons shearwaters have been seriously affected.

They also fear that seals were killed when a landslide the Ohau Point seal sanctuary completely wiped out. The marine mammals have survived, have to find a new place to breed.

When the earthquake in New Zealand have been at least two deaths. One victim lost his life when a building collapsed in the tourist town Kaikoura.

The South Island was at the beginning of the night rocked by a massive earthquake, 7. 8. The epicenter was about 100 kilometers from the city of Christchurch. The shock was felt across the country.\n  \n  \n   advertisement

Concerns about wildlife in New Zealand are large after the earthquake Monday. Animals Organizations example, report that a large colony of Huttons shearwaters have been seriously affected.

They also fear that seals were killed when a landslide the Ohau Point seal sanctuary completely wiped out. The marine mammals have survived, have to find a new place to breed.

When the earthquake in New Zealand have been at least two deaths. One victim lost his life when a building collapsed in the tourist town Kaikoura.

The South Island was at the beginning of the night rocked by a massive earthquake, 7. 8. The epicenter was about 100 kilometers from the city of Christchurch. The shock was felt across the country.\n  \n  \n   advertisement