Russia surveillance on file Aleppo

"Russia still holds more closely monitor the ceasefire in force in Syria since Monday night.

"The checkpoint overlooking Castello Road, a major approach road has been handed the Syrian army after fierce fighting. The road was the main supply route for the rebels in Aleppo and must now bring relief supplies to beleaguered rebel districts."

"The Syrian army pointed Castello Road earlier as corridor through which civilians and rebels who wanted to lay down their arms, were able to leave the city. Of these, however, would have little use have been made.\n  \n    \n     \n      \n        1:53\n      \n     Lower Turk goes loose on harassing vloggers\n     \n     \n      \n        3:57\n      \n     Rotten vs. vloggers \"limit is reached\"\n     \n     \n      \n        1:00\n      \n     Chantal Janzen as for woman kickboxer"

"In and around Aleppo keep the warring parties so far reasonable to the cease-fire, the Russian army announced Tuesday. The armed opposition in Syria has not officially aligned with the file, but according to sources with knowledge of the facts it relies do it. Muslim extremists, who are also very active in Aleppo, tables are still targeted."