Research FBI to Charlottesville Rally

The US Federal Investigation FBI begins Sunday, along with the police of the state of Virginia, an official investigation into the riots that raged Friday and Saturday in the streets of Charlottesville.

At the riots a dead, more than 30 injured and four people were arrested.

The 20-year-old James Alex Fields of Ohio has been arrested and sued for slaughter. The police denies him from killing a demonstrator and five-fold attempted manslaughter by driving his car on a group of people.

The riots have sacked US President Trump with the first national crisis during his office, writes US media Sunday. Friend and enemy complained about the president's lazy response, who in his tweets refused to condemn the perpetrators of the violence, according to many extremist protesters.

Trump even received prominent members from his own Republican party, such as Marco Rubio and Chris Christie, criticizing his refusal to appoint the guilty. Democracy also came from criticism, including former president Bill Clinton and former vice president Joe Biden.

The FBI's research also focuses on the crash of a police helicopter during the demonstration. At that crash, two police officers came to life on Saturday. For the moment, one assumes a fatal accident.