Private data car buyers on the street by leak

Due to an error in the AutoCash lender's website, it was possible to see monthly salaries, housing charges and other sensitive data of 20,000 Dutch car buyers.

In addition to private data from AutoCash customers, data encryption also includes data from people who have only made a credit request. RTL Z has seen data of at least 400 people in a short period of time. According to the company, the data of 20,000 customers was detected by the leak.

The leak is located in the AutoCash online portal, where the eighty connected car dealers can add and manage customers with a credit. By adjusting a cijfer in the url, the private data of other people with an AutoCash credit was included, such as monthly salary, living expenses and maintenance costs.

After reporting RTL Z, the leak is poached in the AutoCash portal. The data call is reported to the Personal Data Authority, confirms a spokesman for Volkswagen Pon Financial Services where AutoCash is part of.