Mueller is forming a grand jury

Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has compiled a grand jury in Washington for investigating Russian interference with the US presidential election in 2016.

The chamber of imprisonment that Mueller has formed has recently taken place. It is a significant indication that Mueller's research into Russia's efforts to influence the elections and to see if there was conspiracy with Donald Trump's campaign team has intensified and come to a next stage.

This was underlined by the announcement by the press agency Reuters that the jury has already issued summons following the encounter with Donald Trump's son Don Jr. and son-in-law last June with a Russian lawyer and others. Jay Sekulow, a legal advisor who rented Trump sr., Told Fox News that there is no reason to assume that the researchers have also taken the president himself.

Experienced lawyer Ty Cobb, as a special advisor to the White House, also claimed that the research did not focus on President Trump. He did not know that Mueller had already recruited jury members, but promised all cooperation.