Later the photo of your flash fine in the mail

Those who flash in Belgium will soon receive the photo as proof.

Justice in our southern neighbors will do that to get rid of the nagging afterwards. Every month, the Belgian police issue 400,000 coupons. Many people appeal and want to see the evidence.

'By showing every offender the photo, we especially want to save time', says Edward Landtsheere, spokesman for Justice in Het Nieuwsblad. 'We hope that they will pay their fine faster. 'Because of the digital flash units, it is now relatively easy to send evidence straight away.

It is also good for the drivers themselves to be able to check the photo with their fine. 'If there is fraud, for example because someone copies your license plate and has been flashed, it will also come to light sooner,' says Landtsheere.

Justice is still investigating how the flash picture reaches the offender. Or sent directly, or view online with a login.

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