Human body has second brain in ass

Scientists from Australia have drawn a remarkable conclusion after their research: according to the team, the human body has a second brain at the buttocks.

The research was published in JNeurosci and states that the gastrointestinal tract contains millions of neurons that independently control muscle movements.

'These findings identify a previously unknown pattern of neurological activities in the peripheral nervous system,' said Professor Nick Spencer of Flinders University of Australia in a press release.

In the report, Spencer states that until this new study it was unknown how many neurons in the enteric nervous system lead to contraction of the intestines.

Researchers discovered that the neurons in the digestive system send in synchronized efforts, so that the waste is worked out of the body. According to the researchers, this is the same way that neurons in the brain send signals through the body.

The professor noted that the brain in your back is technically your 'first brain' because scientists believe it has actually evolved for the brain and central nervous system in mammals.

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