Holidaymakers around Lake Garda are surprised by huge hailstones

Tourists who currently enjoy their well-deserved holiday at Lake Garda are surprised by hailstones as big as golf balls on Wednesday night.

Because the area is also a popular holiday destination for the Dutch, many Dutch people witnessed the emergency weather. 'Pebbles as big as small boulders suddenly fell out of the air,' says 49-year-old Robert from Apeldoorn, who is on holiday with his family in Italy.

Zewald suspects the damage is proper. 'Everywhere there were people in cars sheltering under gas stations, bridges and other covered spots. Grass fields and streets lined with hailstones. I also saw a Dutch couple standing with a broken rear window. '

Because the area is also a popular holiday destination for the Dutch, many Dutch people witnessed the emergency weather. 'Pebbles as big as small boulders suddenly fell out of the air,' says 49-year-old Robert from Apeldoorn, who is on holiday with his family in Italy.

Zewald suspects the damage is proper. 'Everywhere there were people in cars sheltering under gas stations, bridges and other covered spots. Grass fields and streets lined with hailstones. I also saw a Dutch couple standing with a broken rear window. '