Hetero men marry to evade taxes

Two heterosexual men married in Dublin, Ireland last Friday, to avoid having to pay 50,000 euros in taxes.

The oldest of the bunch, Matt Murphy (83), wanted to leave his home to Michael O'Sullivan (58), but found out during the trial that he would have to pay 50,000 euros in taxes. To evade this, two of them have marched into the marriage boat. This is how the Irish newspaper Irish Mirror reports.

The men have known each other for more than thirty years. After Michael got out on the street after a failed relationship and Murphy got eye problems, Michael went to the 83-year-old man to take care of him. He did this without ever asking for money, after which Matt came to the idea of ​​leaving him his home.

The two came up with the idea to marry in order to avoid the large amount of 50,000 euros, and that really happened on Friday.