Florida notes first consequences Irma

Hurricane Irma is 145 kilometers away from Key West, Florida, but the US state already recognizes the effects of the vertebral storm that will increase according to predictions.

Governor Rick Scott reports that tens of thousands of people are out of power in Florida, where winds in the south are increasing. On CNN's images, you can see how cranes rotate in Miami by the wind.

About 70,000 people have been hid in hundreds of shelters that have opened the state. More than six million inhabitants are assigned to shelter elsewhere. Scott called on resigned residents on Saturday night to leave. ' This is your last chance to make the right decision. ''

In Key West on the Florida Keys, an elongated ribbon of approximately 1700 islands, south of the mainland, wind speeds have been inflated to hurricane power. There will be Irma on Sunday afternoon (Dutch time).

The National Hurricane Center warns the islands for emerging water. This warning is also applicable to much of the Florida coast. The water can rise to 4.5 meters.

Irma is toned to a hurricane of the third category, but is likely to rise to the second highest level above the warmer waters south of Florida.