Finally peace after camembert war

After ten years of struggle, industrial producers of the Norman camembert cheese and other camembert makers have agreed on what is on the packaging and how the cheese can be made, according to French media.

The creators of the 'Camembert de Normandie AOP' (appellation d'origine protégée, protected designation of origin) and the creators of 'camembert fabrique and Normandie' buried the battle ax, the National Institute for Origin Appointments (INAO) reported. Behind the two names are two different ways of making cheese. The 'AOP' way is subject to strict requirements and the 'fabrique and Normandie' is not. Ten times more cheeses are sold from the latter, than from the first.

The long 'peace negotiations' have resulted in a compromise: the industrial cheese makers comply with a number of requirements of the AOP and less stringent regulations apply to ensure that the cheese factories are not too difficult. And there will only be 'camembert the Normandie AOP' on the package.