EU Commissioner: Facebook has yet to do more

EU Commissioner Vera Jourova (Justice) believes that Facebook needs to do more to restore public confidence in the Internet business.

She stated that after the meeting of CEO Mark Zuckerberg with the group leaders in the European Parliament in Brussels. ' This was a step forward and I am pleased that Zuckerberg has accepted the invitation to answer questions, but more steps have to follow. ''

Jourova had advised the Facebook CEO to come to the EU parliament to explain how private details of account holders could end up at a company that she used for, among other things, Donald Trump's election campaign. 'Millions of Europeans have been hit by this scandal. We need to be sure that this kind of thing does not happen again. ''

' Zuckerberg has announced many changes, including the transparency of political advertisements. I want to believe that these signals are that Facebook takes more responsibility for the huge amount of personal information that users entrust to Facebook. ''

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