Call to Queen Elizabeth: Save my father!

The son of a captured opposition leader from Bahrain has asked Queen Elizabeth in an open letter to use her influence with King Hamad of Bahrain to ensure that his father is treated humanely.

'I would like to ask Your Majesty to use the influence and strong friendship with the King of Bahrain to help me save my father. All I ask is that he is treated humane, including access to adequate medical treatment, books and family visits without subjecting him to humiliating measures, 'Ali Mushaima wrote.

He has held a hunger strike since August 1 for the embassy of the Golf Kingdom in the chic London district of Knightsbridge. His father Hassan (70) has been in jail since the bloody Arab spring in Bahrain. He has not had a visit since February 2017. Ali, who lives in England, has himself been deprived of his passport and citizenship. Bahrain denies that Hassan Mushaima is not properly treated.

The good relationship between King Hamad and Queen Elizabeth is no secret. Both are horse lovers and the king annually sponsors parts of the Royal Windsor Horse Show. He is a regular guest of honor in the royal lodge, her sons Charles and Andrew are on the floor, and last year the British government donated him a horse.