British Skipper on 32nd Dement: Theres almost nothing left of her

A British ski instructor is only 32, but has a serious form of dementia.

The British suffers from frontotemporal dementia, affecting the front of the brain. As a result, gradual changes of character occur and patients are struggling to plan complex activities. The disease usually presents itself before the 65th year, can be read on the website of the Brain Foundation.

Becky is only 32 years old. It is reportedly one of the youngest dementia patients ever. Her condition has deteriorated rapidly in recent months. Her sister Sophie tells British media that little of the old Becky is over. 'She repeatedly repeats the same stories and says inappropriate things. '

Not only Becky, but also her family is severely affected by the disease. 'I find it very difficult. When we walk together on the street, she asks people to make a strange noise. I'm not ashamed of her, but I find it heartbreaking to see, 'says Sophie.

Despite her illness, British has maintained her love for walking and watching television. Next month, her family organizes a walk to raise funds for the British Foundation for Alzheimer's Patients.