Baby is born four years after tragic death parents

Four years after the death of his parents, a baby was born in China.

Shen Jie and Liu Xi were married for two years when they decided to have children via ivf treatment. Four embryos were frozen for this. Five days before one would be replaced, the couple was killed in a car accident.

The hospital wanted to destroy the fertilized egg cells after the death of Shen Jie and Liu Xi, but their parents do not agree with that. There was a long legal battle and eventually the grandparents became the legal owner of the egg cells.

Because surrogacy is forbidden in China, in other countries a surrogate mother had to be searched. It was finally found in Laos, where surrogacy is legal. In December, the woman went to China with a tourist visa to give birth.

Recently the wife gave birth to a son called Tiantian, which means cute. Beijing News only reported this week about the special delivery.

Tiantian has Chinese nationality. The boy would have the eyes of his mother, but would otherwise resemble his father.

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