Arm found in water, possibly from journalist Kim Wall

An arm found by divers in the water near Copenhagen is possible from the late Swedish journalist Kim Wall.

The location of the arm lies on the route that has been investigated in the sinister case of Kim Wall, who died under mysterious circumstances. Body parts of the Swedish washed up since her missing. In October, for example, her head and legs were found.

'We do not know yet whether it is the right or left arm. But we keep in mind that the discovery of the arm has to do with the submarine affair, 'police spokesman Jens Moller Jensen told Reuters news agency.

Submarine maker Madsen is suspected of murdering the journalist. He would cut the remains into pieces and throw them into the sea to disguise her death. He has always denied it.

According to the latest statement from the submarine maker, he does not know how Kim Wall died. He does know that he has cut her into pieces. Earlier he would have said that she succumbed to a carbon monoxide poisoning, or that she died after she hit her head hard, but according to his lawyer, Madsen never explained this.