10 million for baby who should never have come

A British mother received compensation of 9 million pounds, about 10 million euros, because she had a baby with hereditary haemophilia haemophilia, while medical tests failed.

The mother had tested herself on haemophilia. Nothing came out of that. Subsequently she never tested the fetus, because the disease is hereditary, but eventually it turned out that the baby had haemophilia. 'If I had known it beforehand, I would certainly have committed an abortion,' explains mother Omodele Meadows.

Her son Adejuwon is now six years old. He has internal bleeding because his blood does not solidify well due to hemophilia. Just before that, Mother Omodele was afraid: a cousin had the same disease. The fact that she has wrongly tested negative also hurts. Now his son will probably never be able to get a job, or lead a normal life, because he is also autistic.

She challenged the failing doctor to court. It now has to pay 9 million pounds. 'If that mistake had not happened, Adejuwon would never have been born', according to the judge. 'That I am also autistic, I call bad luck. But I see the costs as a total picture, hence the higher amount. '

Incidentally, the judge emphasizes that this case is very emotional, and that it is clear that mother Loves Omodele very much of her son, despite the fact that she would have opted for abortion- with retroactive effect.