• Eleven dead and great chaos through Italy's severe weather

    Eleven dead and great chaos through Italy's severe weather

    genoa October 30, 2018 21:48 Hot Recent News

    The death toll due to the severe weather that Italy has been tormenting for three days has risen to eleven on Tuesday. Someone is also missing. A large part of Venice came under water. On videos you can see how tourists waded through the water of the flooded St. Mark's Square and how a restaurant, despite a low water of at least twenty centimeters, still served pizzas.

  • Anti-Semitic letter Wagner auctioned in Israel

    Anti-Semitic letter Wagner auctioned in Israel

    jerusalem April 24, 2018 21:51 Hot Recent News

    A letter from the German composer Richard Wagner has yielded almost 28,000 euros at an auction in Jerusalem. The favorite composer of the German dictator Adolf Hitler was negative in the text about French and German Jews, reports the auction house.

  • Italian arrested about whom Kuciak wrote

    Italian arrested about whom Kuciak wrote

    bratislava March 13, 2018 16:18 Hot Recent News

    The Slovak police arrested an Italian businessman who was described in an article by the recently murdered investigative journalist Jan Kuciak. The Public Prosecutor said Antonino V. was arrested for possible involvement in an international drug case.

  • Venice is dry

    Venice is dry

    venice February 4, 2018 11:27 Hot Recent News

    If you were planning a romantic trip to Venice, you better wait. Due to the blue superblood moon and the lack of rain, the smaller canals of Venice are dry.

  • Mayor Venice tackles expensive restaurants

    Mayor Venice tackles expensive restaurants

    venice January 22, 2018 12:36 Hot Recent News

    The mayor of Venice, Luigi Brugnaro, is going to do something for, among others, four Japanese people who say he has gotten a bill of 1100 euro in his town for four steaks, a plate of fried fish and water. The four students went to the police after their visit to the restaurant near St. Mark's Square.

  • Regions Italy vote for more autonomy

    venice October 22, 2017 12:39 Hot Recent News

    Residents of the northern Italian regions of Veneto and Lombardy have been called on to vote in a referendum on more autonomy on Sunday. Unlike the Spanish region of Catalonia, there is no vote on independence but about whether Veneto and Lombardy should have more control over, among other things, the management of their finances, education and healthcare.

  • Pikachu picks up in Snapchat

    Pikachu picks up in Snapchat

    venice August 15, 2017 09:27 Hot Recent News

    Snapchat jumps into the still popular mobile game Pokémon Go. Since Monday, there is a filter of Pikachu, one of the most popular Pokémon monsters, in the app. The Pikachu filter is available for a short time, so on the Pokémon website.

  • 'Vampire' dug up in Venice
    0 Comment 109

    'Vampire' dug up in Venice

    venice May 6, 2017 07:54 Hot Recent News

    Archaeologists found a feminine 'vampire' in a medieval mass grave near Venice. The woman was buried on the island of Lazzaretto Nuovo, a former quarantine area for plague victims, with a stone in her mouth. According to the archaeologists, the stone was intended to prevent them from doing good to other bodies.

  • Possible attack foiled in Venice

    Possible attack foiled in Venice

    venice March 30, 2017 13:24 Hot Recent News

    Italian police have arrested four people in Venice who may be plotting a bomb attack on the famous Rialto bridge in that city. It involves three adults from Kosovo and a minor whose nationality was not disclosed. All four resided legally in Italy.

  • Italian Fugitive arrested after 12 years

    Italian Fugitive arrested after 12 years

    munich January 27, 2017 15:15 Hot Recent News

    German police on Thursday arrested an Italian at Munich Airport. The man was on international wanted list by Interpol since 2004. The Italian, who also has Brazilian nationality, is wanted in the South American country for tax evasion and diversion of $ 860 million (800 million) abroad.

  • Snapchat stricter Discover

    Snapchat stricter Discover

    venice beach January 23, 2017 09:54 Hot Recent News

    Snapchat is stricter sure media companies do not play tricks to attract more readers. Clickbait pictures that have nothing to do with the content of an article on the Discover service Snapchat have, for example banned since Monday. Heard that The New York Times Company.

  • Angry migrants 'hostage' employees azc

    Angry migrants 'hostage' employees azc

    venice January 3, 2017 13:00 Hot Recent News

    Protesting asylum seekers in Italy 25 employees of a reception held captive for several hours. In the center with about 1,400 people in the northern Italian Cona migrants were incensed after a 25-year-old woman became ill and was deceased.

  • European law network suspends Turkey

    European law network suspends Turkey

    December 8, 2016 22:21 Hot Recent News

    The European Network of Councils for the Judiciary (ENCJ) on Thursday suspended the Turkish umbrella organization of judges and prosecutors as a candidate member. The organization does not meet the standards set by the ENCJ. The Turkish Council for the Judiciary is no longer independent of the Turkish government and legislature, according to the network.

  • Venetians want to lock on the city

    Venetians want to lock on the city

    November 12, 2016 19:33 Hot Recent News

    The people of Venice are tired of being run continuously upside down in their city by hordes of tourists. The Venetians have therefore proposed during a demonstration at the council to set a limit on the number of tourists.

  • Internet Millionaire crashed

    ljubljana July 14, 2016 22:00 Hot Recent News

    A plane crashed during a flight from Venice to Leipzig in Slovenia. Four German passengers were thus killed. Police in Nova Gorica announced this on Thursday night.

  • Hundreds of tourists evacuated after fire Italian camp
    1 Comment 1561

    Hundreds of tourists evacuated after fire Italian camp

    July 4, 2016 16:03 Hot Recent News

    In a sudden fire this morning in the Italian holiday Pra'delle Torri in Caorle, fifty kilometers northeast of Venice, almost forty bungalows are completely burned. The travelers, including Dutch, plummeting to flee to avoid being burned alive. They have cut and went up in flames. According to local press the fire started after four cylinders exploded. spread the fire rapidly from the strong winds. Under the Dutch who had to flee Rudy Span, who works in the resort.

  • China fights 'Yuppie International'

    China fights 'Yuppie International'

    March 29, 2016 17:42 Hot Recent News

    China was encroaching Western street and wants to avoid further Manhattan- and Venice Streets emerge in the country. Minister Li Liguo of Civil Affairs calls the trend a bizarre and dangerous harm to national self-esteem.

  • Killed by storms in Italy

    rome October 15, 2015 13:59 Hot Recent News

    Heavy showers with severe thunderstorms on Thursday in much of central and southern Italy caused any trouble . Three people were killed .

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